from SylviaBun
Hmmm I suppose I should write something here to see how this works from the other end of fedi!
Read the latest posts from Garbage Collector.
from SylviaBun
Hmmm I suppose I should write something here to see how this works from the other end of fedi!
from fen
Can you believe there was a time when I thought I might write long-form content, and that people might actually want to read it?
from fen
I was gonna title this state of the union, then state of the “fenion” and so here I've landed on onion. Congrats, welcome to the onion. No, not that onion.
Superficially, looks a lot like it did a month or two ago. The instance is a misskey fork, it has S3 storage, it's roughly instance-shaped. That's about where it stops, though. A lot has changed since even just the start of 2024.
In late December, it became very much clear that Firefish (formerly Calckey) support and development was going to be at best stagnant, and at worst abandoned. The bulk of the team forked to Catodon and were going in a direction very different from Firefish and the bulk of Misskey, and were still some time away from a public release. The project lead was offline, rightfully so, dealing with serious personal items, some of which stemmed from his involvement in the Fediverse. In short, the future wasn't looking hopeful for the platform.
The question naturally arose – what next? It became pretty important to start scoping out migration routes. As it was, we were already having some serious issues with image processing and usercard generation that had broken in places in just the short time we'd been on Firefish, so staying wasn't viable. While there's a load of Misskey forks, and even some Firefish forks, only a small few presented anything resembling a sensible path. Of the options available, I considered three -
Iceshrimp ended up being ruled out as an option as that felt like moving further down the rabbit hole and increasing risk in terms of support, losing exit routes should things go bad and, I'll be forthright, lack of trust in the development team.
Vanilla Misskey and Sharkey both were attractive. I like the additional Sharkey administrator control features (even if they've proven to be a little convoluted at times) and the ability to add approvals for account registrations, along with the control added by the roles system. The easy initial migration was a bonus. Realizing that I'm doing a ton of handwaving with the whole “I could theoretically pull in upstream changes if Sharkey goes unmaintained” thing is absolutely just kicking the issue down the road, but it wasn't going to be an easy task to migrate directly to Misskey from Firefish anyway, and then there was the potential to have to squash other issues as they arose through natural operation.
All this to say is now a Sharkey instance. It hasn't been completely smooth sailing, but the migration rectified a lot of the niggling instance issues I'd been having and were headscratchers we couldn't fix. Usercards generate, SVG instance icons generate, and now I've got much finer control over the onboarding experience. It's been a net positive thus far.
I'd documented a while back the migration from DigitalOcean to Hetzner as far as provider for the VPS. is still on vCPU-based Hetzner box, but has moved from a shared vCPU to a dedicated one. Thus far, this has kept the server out of trouble during load spikes, and the additional RAM has been necessary as additional services have been added to this same server.
Following multiple outages in the same week, S3 compatible storage has moved from DreamHost DreamObjects to DigitalOcean Spaces. This a few dollars more expensive per month for the level of usage the instance needs, but has been much more stable and reliable. has always had 7 days of daily snapshot backups via Hetzner's built-in backup features which has been super handy. As of this week, the instance also has 7 days of 4x per day Sharkey postgres database backups stored in a Hetzner volume attached to the server, with offsite copies of the backups kept for 14 days. My hope is that, in the event of a failure, this will allow Sharkey to be moved or restored independently with a minimum of data loss.
Status monitoring was previously driven by Upptime. While it was nice to have upptime run out of github pages so as to be completely remote from the cloud VPS, it was unfortunately unreliable and lacked the reporting options I truly wanted (showing only response time graphs is completely unintuitive). is now driven by Uptime Kuma, with better, more frequent availability reporting, easier maintenance scheduling, and more connection options. The trade-off is that it does live on the same VPS as the majority of services so a full and total outage might take a couple extra minutes to notice, but there's a fair number of failure states between “everything's fine” and “it's a complete disaster” that it's already been able to help catch. Status reporting has been configured for all services and their components, not just Sharkey.
All services now use ProtonMail SMTP servers for sending email communications (previously, Mailjet was the sender, however there were reliability issues). instances, where applicable, will require emails for signup as both a component of bot-limiting measures and to be able to send account recovery emails for self-service password resets. In line with the privacy policy, will never share email addresses and the only emails you'll ever receive are those that are a part of user-initiated platform functionality, such as the aforementioned password recovery email or user-scheduled digest emails. will never send you any solicitations or advertisements via email of any kind.
In addition to the Sharkey and this writefreely instance, here's what's new and planned for the future: has a matrix server with aliasing so that it displays the domain as hostname. Registration is currently freely open, with a Variance web client (a fork of Cinny) available at Feel free to register for an account. At some point registrations will be closed to invite-only. As of now, the matrix server is covered by Hetzner daily backups, but does not have dedicated postgres backups, which will be implemented soon.
The nextcloud instance has been relaunched under the subdomain. Registration is by invite only, but feel free to message me if you'd like to test things or set up a space. This is running on its own dedicated VPS due to the resource requirements and in an effort to prevent implosion should things go wrong. 7 days of backups are being kept, and all files are being kept in S3 storage in order to mitigate the need to add non-reducible volumes later. Nextcloud encrypts data into blocks when loading to S3, so that it can't be publicly viewable no matter the settings on the bucket. Due to the functionally limitless but pay-as-you-go storage, I'm able to offer about 50 GB per user. If more was needed, I'd ask for some contribution to the hosting cost. That said, having an ad-free free-free RSS reader option, CalDAV, CardDAV, document editing, cloud storage general space free of the corporate options has been very, very nice.
Despite all my de-googling, youtube has still been a necessity for me in some way. Especially when it comes to hosting stream and personal best VODs from my speedrunning, among other needs for video watching and sharing. I've been scoping out hosting an Invidious instance as part of the zoner network. This, as with the rest, is planned to be public but not completely open registration.
I plan on re-launching the Owncast instance that formerly was at under the domain. Initial state will be single-user but I plan on making the platform available to those who need/want it. Still working the structure out on this.
I'm still struggling with video content hosting. On the previous peertube instance I tested, using static storage made management a challenge due to the storage needs of the video content, particularly with my need being for longer-length content. I do want to eventually move away from Youtube entirely, but thus far I've found the Peertube instance I'm currently on and contributing to be inadequate for my needs. I'm again looking into bringing back up a Peertube instance with S3 storage as the solution and better hardware, and if needs are met, making this available via invite.
At some point I'll have a proper landing page for listing out the available services. Right now the closest to this is having the appropriate web services linked in the status rows. Eventually, that'll be dressed up, because there's also additional documentation, like about pages, privacy policies, and terms of service, that I want to expand to include the entire service network. As of now, all that is just hosted in pages on the Sharkey instance. — That wraps up current state. For anyone using or interested in using any of the services, please contact me on the fediverse at by email at, or on matrix at to talk through.
I send this to everyone who ever registers for any of my services, but I'll reiterate it here – my first priority is having services that are available, responsive, and work in the way they're intended. If there's ever any issue, please let me know, nothing is too small. I can't fix the things I don't know about, and while the high-level monitoring is good, it doesn't see functionality-related problems.
For those of you who are users, I continue to value the trust you place in me as an administrator of the platform in which you base your online presence. I treat this responsibility with care, and it's important that I'm doing all that I can to provide a stable, sustainable, and safe space.
from fen
I went on a bit of an adventure over the past few weeks in a move from Windows to Linux full time. Over a few months of dual-booting I'd taken care of the big, critical hurdles, and finally decided to pull the trigger. One that was still on the list was getting Portal 2 and its speedrunning tools up and moving, and jumped in knowing more or less that there are people who run on Linux, but not necessarily how. Through some trial and error, I got things working for my setup and hope to capture here some of what I learned.
The major hurdles were getting Portal 2 to display correctly and learning how to configure Adrift – I've detailed things below but the major bullet points are:
For Steam, use your preferred method of install for your distro. Many distros have current versions of steam in their package repos, but a .deb/.rpm package straight from valve or install from a flatpak/snap store should be just fine. Install Portal 2, but don't sweat turning Proton on – we need to run Portal 2 as its native Linux version for compatibility with the current version of Adrift.
Install the Linux release of SAR by placing
in your Portal 2 install folder (usually .steam/steam/steamapps/common/Portal\ 2/
. Optionally, consider also installing srconfigs in addition to SAR, which provides enhanced functionality and control. Both are cross-platform.
Finally, launch Portal 2. If you're on a single-monitor setup, or you have a multi-monitor setup where your leftmost monitor is your primary, odds are Portal 2 will have launched at the right resolution and position. You're good to move on to setting up Adrift. If you're like me and have a non-conventional monitor setup, or even just a multi-monitor where you don't want the game on the far left monitor, there will likely need to be a little extra to do. This will take some adjusting depending on your specific needs.
I found that if I launched Portal 2 with no parameters, it would try to display at the full resolution of the “rectangle” that encloses my monitors display area, and lock to my center monitor with scaling that wouldn't allow me to interact with anything but the top-left of the window via mouse, and an inability to confirm settings changes via keyboard. This means configuring, generally, through the in-game menus is out.
In Steam, you can add launch parameters by right-clicking on the game in your gameslist and selecting “Properties”. The key options that got 90% of the way there were:
For a full list of launch options, see here.
For my particular use case, -sw -w 1920 -h 1080 -x 1280
was the right combination to position the Portal 2 window on my center monitor at the right resolution.
Past this, you may need to take care of a desktop panel, if applicable, as any existing panels will likely try to draw over top of the Portal 2 game window. In KDE, I set an Application Window Rule to force Portal 2 to be fullscreen from the DE (as opposed to the application). This locks Portal 2 to the monitor and allows it to draw on top of the KDE taskbar panel. Alternatively, one could set the panel to hide automatically or move it to another location. Continue to work the settings until you're satisfied with where Portal 2 launches and displays.
For Adrift, pre-compiled binaries are avaialble on the releases page. v0.1.1 was most current as of this writing. If you go this route, grab both the “adrift” binary download and the “splitters.tar.gz” archive.
If you'd prefer, you can compile from source – adrift requires a special build of vtk to also be built and installed from source, which itself requires libcairo2-dev and libgtk2.0-dev on Debian-based systems (or the equivalent for your system). More detail is on each project's page for building.
As a high-level overview, Adrift is a timer built on using autosplitters for program control, and cannot be manually controlled, and is pretty bare-bones, which means it's really only suitable for Source engine games such as Portal 2. Being pretty minimal, that means there's a little setup Adrift needs before it can be used.
By default Adrift will look for three files – splits, splitter, and config – in the same directory where the adrift executable is located, but a directory with a set of files for a particular game can be specified at launch time by passing the directory as an argument (eg, ./adrift p2_amc
), which can be useful if you run multiple games or categories. For example, if you run both Portal 2 singleplayer and co-op, you might have a directory for portal2_nosla
and portal2_amc
that each have their own splits and config for Singleplayer No SLA and Co-Op All Main Courses specifically, which will also allow gold splits and peronal bests to be separated. For the rough purposes of this guide, we'll assume a flat structure with all files in the same directory as the Adrift executable – you can always restructure for your particular need if you choose to later.
chmod +x /path/to/adrift/executable
From here, Adrift can be run either by double-clicking the executable in your file manager, or navigating to the folder where you have adrift stored in your terminal and executing with ./adrift
.Adrift should launch using your config files, and if you launched from terminal you should also see status messages as Adrift searches for the Portal 2 application process. If Portal 2 hasn't yet been launched, do so and verify that Adrift finds the process via the terminal messages. If there are issues, Adrift will give confirmation both when it finds the portal2 process and when it makes connection with SAR, which should help to give indication of where to start troubleshooting.
That's the critical minimum to get up and running. From here, Reference SAR and Adrift documentation for additional configuration and customization to meet your needs. Speedrun timing should start when you launch either a Single Player or Co-Operative Game, and using the do_reset
command during or following a run should reset the timer and your game both for a fresh run.
Be sure also to visit the Portal 2 Speedrunning Discord server for dicussion, help, and support. Much of the information here is an amalgamation of information from P2SR and the members' effort in gathering resources and creating tools are what allow this to be possible in the first place.
from fen
Domains are expensive.
I didn't really put much thought into overall, longterm stability when I started, mostly with regard to cost. Frankly, I'm still surprised that the whole “hosting your own copy of a whole-ass microblogging site” thing has generally gone pretty well. The host migration from Digital Ocean to Hetzner that I talked about in my last post cut my actual hosting cost roughly in half. The other component is domain registrations. was cheap to pick up, but renewal is going to run $50 when it next comes up. It's not for another 8 months, but that's not never.
The good news is I have a domain I've maintained for years that only runs $10/year – I've basically had tied to a hosting plan with dreamhost for years running a managed WordPress site. I don't much like WordPress, so I never really used it as much more than a landing and the one time I made a JSON adapter for Super Mario 64 Bingo. In hindsight, I probably should've held on to that.
Tied to this, I'd been very curious to try one of the *key forks, so I spun up a test Firefish instance and spent a couple days exploring and configuring before falling in love with how polished the frontend felt and finally pulling the trigger and moving over myself. Its not been perfect, but its a great UI experience, at least compared to *oma. At time of writing, I'm about two weeks in and while I have a couple things on the wishlist for admin controls, and there was a weird import bug that led to me opening my first issue on a repo ever, I think this was the right choice.
All of this has been more or less in service of a larger goal – I'd like to open up my instance. If not to public, at least to friends. And even for my own sake, making things sustainable, stable, and affordable are solid long-term goals. I posted up a soft opening and we'll see if we get any takers – moving instances is a big deal and I'm not exactly someone people immediately jump instances for but maybe next time they need a backup or are looking to move, they'll remember me.
So, Firefish is the target for the new instance under the new domain. I absolutely still want to have writefreely for these longer-form posts. Owncast is a pretty easy move since there's only four followers. Nextcloud will be an absolute nightmare though, and I'm not looking forward to it. I'm sure I'll have a long post to write for when that ordeal comes.
The sorta cool thing about having the new instance up now is that, looking at a longer-term option, I've also set up S3 compatible storage for the instance. Obviously that adds a little bit of cost in dedicated storage in the short term (looking at about $4ish per month? we'll see when this month closes for billing), but I think long-term it'll save a lot of headache as the data store gets larger over time. We're already at 13 GB between the two of us, and it'll only get bigger from there.
I do want to take a moment, though, and despite joking about it earlier in the post, truly put to record a thanks to for trusting me enough to make a jump with what is basically his entire social media presence. I didn't ask him to, but he wanted to check it out and then dove in the deep end to do it. It's humbling, it's warming, it's scary, it's emboldening, to have someone willing to completely put their presence in your hands. I treasure that. I can't fully put together a string of words that captures what I think I feel because I'm pretty sure that combination doesn't exist. In lieu of that, I will say this: thank you.
Part of me wants to say 'I hope that to be the first of many' but I don't really think that's what I feel. I do hope at some point it's more than just the two of us on, but I don't want that to be because of any individual. I hope to be part of a community of people who share, respect, and dignify each other in a way that I felt when I joined back in November. I hesitate to say it feels like a calling, but I do think as far as contributions I can make, that being a part of building a safe space within the fediverse is something that I would be suited to, and something that I want to participate in.
Time will tell.
from fen
It only took, what, three weeks? It's finally done though. As happy as I was with Digital Ocean (or, thought I was), the cost was just getting to be more than I could afford long-term for what I was getting. All of the active network has been moved to Hetzner, which includes this weblog, the Akkoma instance itself, plus Owncast and a shiny new Nextcloud instance. More on that in a bit.
This whole thing is just one big exercise in learning Docker really – and that it's a little bit more of a hassle than I expected.
I'm running this Writefreely instance directly on the host. That makes for a really easy move the way it's built – just copy the data folder, port over the systemd service, and rerun certbot. Cake.
Owncast is in a docker container but also ends up being an easy move – the docker volume has all the persistent data exposed to the host, so move that and run the single docker run command to get things going again, not a problem.
Nextcloud got stood up in place – I'd set it up from scratch on the host server, so aside from monitoring resource usage, it's a pretty self-contained setup. I do not look forward to the day where it ends up needing to be moved, though, because i opted for the AIO master container installation which was super easy, but I have next to no idea how it works or if/where it's storing persistent data. That's on the investigative to-do list.
Aside from that worry, though, Nextcloud is a pretty neat piece of kit. It's nice to have control of my own cloud storage, notes, tasks, calendar, etc, which is what I had intended to use it for when I set it up. With a shift away from Google on my Pixel 7's fresh install of grapheneOS too, it became the perfect place to also sync my phone contacts outside of my Google account. De-googling as much as possible is really nice.
The feature I've actually come to use the most though, and unexpectedly so, is the News applet's synced RSS feeds. I have both my phone and tablet with a Nextcloud-compatible RSS reader app, and have been slowly building a library of RSS feeds. whatyearisit.jpg
Now, back to Akkoma. Let me preface this next bit – this migration took so long not because Akkoma is difficult (quite the opposite, actually), but because I am woefully inexperienced and past me wrote a check that she didn't know how to cash, which suddenly became present-me's problem.
I had expected, naively, that I might just be able to export or commit the docker containers, copy them over to the new host machine, and then bring them online. Maybe this is doable. Beats the fuck out of me, though, because I spent about two nights trying to get docker to load and connect the frontend and backend containers (yes, i know about the docker network to support this). I think my issue is that I expected docker to behave similarly to a traditional VM container, and it doesn't really.
I also had a sort of nebulous understanding of file handling between host and container which I don't think truly clicked until last night as I was making a second attempt at migration, which may have also been a part of the problem. In short, last week all I had to show for my effort was a broken frontend and no evidence that it was connecting to the postgresql container where my DB was supposed to be.
Over the weekend, I also noticed that I was one release version out of date. That was an issue i wanted to tackle before attempting to migrate again, so pulled and started running the necessary mix tasks which, for some reason, absolutely failed. Compilations did not work, db migration did not work, and the containers would start, but, well, “broken” is the mild way to put it. I should've grabbed a screenshot.
Remember that part where I said I thought I was happy with Digital Ocean? There was this one nagging feeling I'd had for a while which I'd had the foresight to compensate for – that was backups. DO allows for instant snapshots anytime, but backups are completely automated and only happen once a week, usually overnight Thursday into Friday Eastern US time. [Contrast this with Hetzner, which takes backups daily for a rolling 7 days, and both backups (temp) and snapshots (long term) are able to be triggered manually, I love it].
Guess who forgot to take a backup before she started the update process.
Guess who got a really, really unwelcome lesson in hubris.
I was very, very lucky that I was doing this on a Friday night (who doesn't hang out at home rolling The Old Republic and update their web services on a Friday night? What are you, a bunch of shut-ins?) and so the last backup had occurred less than 24 hours before. I could live with a day of lost posts, after all the instance is just me. I restored the backup, but there was still the lingering question of why the update failed in the first place. It was giving me errors and throwing warnings that I needed to verify that there was a compiler installed.
After some poking, I stumbled on that apparently git was pointed to the dev branch. That shouldn't be right. I pointed it back to the stable branch with a reset and re-pulled the new version. Git listed the new files being pulled in. This time the update worked fine, migrations and all. I don't know what exactly was different because I have a feeling there was some other me-specific weirdness happening there, but I didn't care to spend time digging into it. If it happens again, maybe I'll put effort into tracing the issue. Update complete, now back to the migration situation.
It'd been about a week again since I last tried the docker image method. Thinking about it, migrating akkoma is all about just the static folder and the postgres db. Those just lay overtop more or less the same base installation. I'd already gone through that once moving from the OTP install to docker to begin with, why not just, y'know, do it again?
I wish this had occurred to me sooner. Exporting the static content folders and dumping the db was far, far easier. Migration was complete about 2:30 AM Monday morning ET. We're now fully on Hetzner, and as I write this, I destroyed the last droplet I was maintaining. Goodbye Digital Ocean, I'll think of you fondly as my first place to have been supporting my first venture into :
But wait! Fen! Didn't you have a Peertube instance too? What happened to that?
Great question, person I completely made up for the loose purpose of a segue. I debated a bit on moving Peertube over – I really, really love the idea of Peertube as a distributed and federated platform for sharing videos. It's youtube with the power of bittorrent! How cool is that!? Like lemmy and kbin before it, the issue really came down to scope and usefulness. From a resource standpoint, Peertube is heavy, especially when it swallows the rest of the server trying to transcode an upload that's 1-2 hours in length. All I want out of it is to be a place to stash past stream broadcasts and speedrun PB vods, it's just more than is needed and even if I thought it might be useful to open up to friends, video storage isn't exactly a trivial matter.
As an alternative, I'm seriously looking into what I can do with Nextcloud to just make the videos available in a fileshare-type deal and stream in-browser. If that works, I might just do that as the easy answer. If it doesn't look like that's going to be viable in a satisfying way, then I might just sign up for a peertube instance elsewhere and chip in a few bucks to whomever's ko-fi or whatever. That maps same as kbin, where I'm currently on instead of continuing to try to host my own. Some things just don't really make sense as a single-user instance.
Speaking of which, the RSS reader via Nextcloud has almost killed entirely my usage of my account. I discussed my Reddit and Lemmy/kbin habits in my previous post, but the short version is I was a passive consumer of content for news and my hobbies and interests. Now I've got the news, and the interests never really made a 1:1 jump to Lemmy/kbin fedispace, so I'd already come off that some. I get more of that through Akkoma than I'd really expected anyway.
As is, I think I have a relatively stable configuration of instances that I'm pretty happy with. Next projects are building on what's there – I'd like to get a volume going and give some extra dedicated storage to both Akkoma and Nextcloud, maybe even a proper CDN. Akkoma has some clerical and administrative paperwork I want to take care of with the intent of maybe someday opening it up to friends, but I need to put some polish into it before doing that because it is a very me space.
Whatever you do, pay no mind to the shadowy figure in the background that is a nagging desire to want to set up a Firefish instance just because. You don't need it Fen, you're happy, you're stable, it offers you no benefit. Don't do it.
(i'm probably going to do it eventually, because I'm weak >_<)